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"Implementing Shadowing for Improving Listening and Speaking Fluency in Japanese Classrooms"


担当:Daniel G. Dusza(ダニエル ドゥーサ)先生(神田外語学院 EICスーパーバイザー)


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Shadowing has recently become popularized in English learning in Japan. Shadowing improves listening skills when practiced correctly. This session defines shadowing as a process involving listening to a spoken text and repeating it accurately without written scripts. This session defines shadowing and discusses our modifications to implement listening and speaking practice in Japanese classrooms. The process includes listening, parallel reading, discussion, shadowing, and monitoring. The rationale and effect of modifying each step to improve vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency in the shadowing process are discussed. Finally, the benefits and challenges of each step are discussed based on the feedback from teachers and students.

Participants in this session will walk away with a full understanding of how to incorporate this shadowing into their syllabus. In the final half of the season, participants will be actively involved in this shadowing approach.

*Participants will need to understand how to attend using ZOOM.



This session discusses a modified shadowing approach that helps students improve listening and speaking skills. The framework focuses on listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to experience this approach and the framework to implement it in their syllabus.


Dr. Daniel G.

Dusza is a supervisor, reading and writing development specialist, and business communications trainer at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages with more than 20 years experience teaching English in Japan.

Ms. Goto

Marina Goto holds a master’s degree in TESOL from Temple University and has been involved in English education for over ten years. She specializes in teaching English, creating contents and materials, and also provides training for teachers. Her academic interests include Task-Based Language Teaching, Shadowing, Content-and-Language Integrated-Learning, and phonics instruction.



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